Recharge The Brain With a New Zero-Caffeine Energy Formula

Feed your brain the nutrients it needs - discover what coffee and energy drinks are missing.

Discover The Power of MindGain

Eliminate Brain Fog
Eliminate Brain Fog
Eliminate Brain Fog
Eliminate Brain Fog
Eliminate Brain Fog
Eliminate Brain Fog
Eliminate Brain Fog

What Our Customers Are Saying

Eliminate Brain Fog


20 Sachets - (only $3.25 per serving)

The Good News:
You don't need to replace your coffee with MindGain.

The GREAT News:
While caffeine might give you that small a peak in your energy levels, MindGain will recharge your brain's "battery".

Used by itself or with caffeine, MindGain can help you narrow your focus, solve problems, or finally finish that task list.

When you're feeling mentally tired, just reaching for an energy drink or a bigger coffee isn't fixing the problem, it's hiding it.

Your brain needs certain nutrients to function properly. If you're feeling fatigued, and too tired to focus, chances are good you just need to recharge your brain.

MindGain is a proven blend of these nutrients to get your brain fed, and get you back to normal - with or without caffeine!

The ingredients in MindGain are well-studied and proven to:

  • Help you regain focus
  • Reduce brain-fog
  • Calm the mind and reduce anxiety
  • Improve overall brain health

You don't have to quit caffeine to enjoy MindGain, but you shouldn't have to depend on it either. Let MindGain help!

MindGain is citrus-flavoured and specifically formulated with servings of antioxidants, vitamins and other key micronutrients.  No artificial colours or flavours!

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Approved Health Claims

MindGain is one of the few nootropics on the market that comes with legitimate health claims. Read More

Healthy Formula

MindGain supports neurotransmitter production, mitochondrial health and provides antioxidants.

Biologically Relevant Dosing

Our powder formulation allows us to dose ingredients within clinically proven ranges. Read More

Ultra-Fast Absorption

Our powder formula facilitates fast absorption - feel the effects in as little as 20 minutes. Read More

Patent Pending

Our formula has patents pending in the United States and Canada.

Money-back Guarantee

Try MindGain risk free. If you don't like it, we'll refund your money.

MindGain: Behind the Formula

The MindGain formula was NOT created to replace caffeine.

Its purpose is to provide a healthy way to help get your brain back to normal levels of function, while improving focus.

If you find having a coffee or energy drink helps get you through your day - wait until you try MindGain alongside it!

MindGain is simple, but incredibly effective.

It's a blend of proven, well-researched ingredients that are known (and scientifically accepted) to maintain focus, calm the mind, and ultimately allow you to stay on your A-game.

If you're only looking for a short-term caffeine boost, complete with jitters and an increased heart-rate -  MindGain is NOT for you.

If you are looking for a drink mix to help you maintain your focus without feeling jittery, and without the crash - MindGain may be exactly what you're looking for.

Feel free to check out our favourite neuroscientist and Head of Research here at MindGain - Dr. Delphie Dugal-Tessier, B.A., Ph.D giving a TedX talk about the concept of keeping your brain in-check.

Click the image below you'll get taken to the replay on YouTube.

Eliminate Brain Fog
Eliminate Brain Fog
Eliminate Brain Fog
Eliminate Brain Fog
Eliminate Brain Fog
Eliminate Brain Fog
Eliminate Brain Fog

Eliminate Brain Fog


20 Sachets - (only $3.25 per serving)

A citrus flavoured drink specifically formulated with servings of antioxidants, vitamins and other key micronutrients to:

  • Help you regain focus
  • Reduce brain-fog
  • Calm the mind and reduce anxiety
  • Improve overall brain health
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